WRI Networks
WRI works with like minded organisations around the world who are interested in the human rights of widows and their children. WRI is a founding member of Global Alliance Last Woman First - a global alliance for widows organisations. The Secretariat of the Global Alliance rotates among member organisations with the current Secretariat being Guild of Service India.
WRI works with partner organisations including:

Guild of Service India

Algerian Women's Association

Women of Purpose Uganda

Women of Purpose Uganda
WRI is a member of the National Alliance of Women’s Organisations (NAWO) and UK Civil Society Women’s Alliance (UKCSWA) and the NGO Committee on the Status of Women Geneva (NGOCSWGeneva). Our Chair, Zarin Hainsworth is the Chair of the UKCSWA and Secretary of the NGOCSWGeneva and is a past Chair of NAWO. Our trustees Wendi Momen and Margaret Clark are trustees of NAWO and Wendi is currently a Vice Chair of UKCSWA.